Our annual Christmas Concert is on Monday, 16th December, we are delighted to be returning to St Andrews Church in Hambleton village.
Our emphasis has always been on great choral music with a line up of around 12 singers supported by organ, and if the music chosen suggests more we add tympani and trumpet. Jonathan Stork and Keith Halliday have kindly agreed to put together the singers from their network based around St Mary’s in Nottingham. We have enjoyed their performances many times at Harts and at Hambleton and rely upon them to provide some great classical pieces as well as more modern compositions. We have also asked them to choose a few carols for the audience to join in with.
The concert starts at 7pm, guests are welcome to arrive from 6.30pm for glühwein and mince pies.
Tickets for the concert only are £25 per person.
For the concert followed by dinner at Hambleton Hall, £200 per person (Champagne and canapés, 3 course dinner, wines and coffee)
For the concert, dinner and overnight accommodation (on B&B basis) from £700, per couple.
To book, please call our reception team on 01572 756991 or email hotel@hambletonhall.com and for the full dinner menu see our link to Activities & Events in our bio 🔗
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