An Edible Garden
Exciting Ingredients
Hambleton’s passion for using exciting ingredients, cooked simply with striking presentation has led to growing as much of our own produce as possible in the hotel garden for the ultimate in freshness, taste and quality.
The 1-acre kitchen garden at Hambleton Hall is bordered on the south side by a 2-metre high sandstone wall where the peaches, figs and apples thrive. This provides shelter from the wind, protection from pests and it radiates retained heat during the long summer days.
Given the English climate, the team of gardeners concentrate their efforts on delicate products which taste infinitely better when consumed immediately. These include courgettes, tomatoes, beans, peaches, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, leeks, cauliflowers, radish, beetroots, carrots, sweetcorn, cucumbers, lettuce and a wide variety of herbs. Asparagus, kale, wild garlic, watercress, rhubarb, elderflower and peas grow too.
In 2019 the 1-acre garden was redesigned to incorporate a new greenhouse, raised beds, fruit trees and a compost. During the redesign process and as part of the every day coaching and training of the chef brigade, the senior chefs teach the younger chefs how to get the most out of the garden.